Saturday, July 9, 2016

From City to Country

This morning after waking Kory up with the birthday song, we packed up, cleaned up and said a fond farewell to the Youth Center where we spent the last four nights. This was a spacious, convenient, safe place for our home base as we moved from there around the city.

We made it to Navy Pier just as it opened so Helen and Sarah took advantage of the short lines to ride the giant ferris wheel. We spent the morning exploring the shops and food court, making selections for souvenirs and lunch food. The kids were kind enough to explain the term "snapback" to me - they were looking for just the right snapback. I feel silly now calling it a baseball cap.

The drive to the farm took just over three hours. We had a feast of grilled hamburgers, sweet corn, watermelon, strawberries. While the food was being prepared and after supper, I gave the kids tours around the farm on the Kubota. We tie dyed some t-shirts which we'll unwrap tomorrow.

There are so many more fireflies here than at home in the Twin Cities. It was harder to capture them than in looked but it was fun trying. Sorry - we have no pictures to verify that they each caught at least one.

We had a worship service and prayer on the lawn as we released lanterns, talked about how was saw light of Christ shining this week and shared our hopes for the world. One of the kids prayed for the people we had helped on our mission trip, hoping their lives would improve and not be such a daily struggle. One prayed for an end to gun violence and racism.

Blessings to Lana who is preaching tomorrow at Salem. We are having a wonderful trip but also look forward to being home.

Here are a few pictures from the day. I'm too tired to make them fancy tonight. This chaperoning/pastoring thing is exhausting. Pastor Lynn


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